I would like to start off by saying the opinions expressed in this post are not the opinions of all men. Probably not the opinions of all women either. It is however, the bold opinion of the man writing this post, me. Now why in hell would I be thinking such…I’ll say nonsense for argument sake, in the first place. The answer…I really don’t have one. Not one that would make reasonable sense.
Crappy preview, I know. But Sticky Butter's article allows one to consider the debate of homosexuality being a choice or a genetic predisposition.
It is my opinion that homosexuality is not merely a choice, but is due to genetics. My reasoning is based upon studies regarding how homosexual males and heterosexual females respond to pheromones given off by attractive men (can't find the article stating this, but it was published awhile ago). Now, homosexuality can be a choice as well but a choice chosen for pleasures sake. Still nothing definitive though. Interesting subject though, to say the least.
this topic is gay. hehe
Just a little though.
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