Get it on!
7:56 - Creepy quiet in the debate hall. That is until the cardboard cut out of the Executive Director of the Commission on Presidential Debates came on stage to talk. Yikes.
Bob Schieffer is creepy looking too. Maybe he's wearing a Crypt Keeper costume...maybe not.
I can't help but think that the seated format will benefit McCain. He's shorter (very short for a politician), and this will put him on somewhat of a more even keel with Obama. I'd laugh if one of their chairs broke during the debate, and the candidate dropped down 6 inches all of a sudden. Good times.
8:02 - Follow up questions?! In a debate?! The nerve!
First question dealing with the economy. Thank Jeebus. -770something today...
8:04 - We're not innocent. At least not everyone. We are a country that lives on credit outside of our means. But they can't say that.
McCain's plan is to keep people in their homes by buying home mortgages. At what rate? Would there be a return? Would other tax payers profit off of these, or would the mortgages be bought at a loss?
Obama emphasizes that taxpayers would get money back from the bailout bill, but doesn't say how. Proposals: 1. Focus on keeping jobs state-side through business tax credits 2. Provide middle class (<$250 million) tax cuts 3. Renegotiate home mortgages 4. Deal with energy, healthcare, education.
McCain wants to keep small business tax rates low to create jobs. Claims that Obama will increase taxes on small businesses.
Obama says McCain will provide tax breaks to biggest companies, and that he wants to cut taxes for everyone (95%) below the 250 mill mark. Says that indie studies say support his plan for the majority of people.
8:11 - We need a tax increase because we're in huge debt, John.
8:13 - McCain seems to adhere in part to the trickle down theory that Regan made so famous. That has not been working.
8:14 - Schieffer says that both plans will add a lot of money to the deficit. "What will they cut back?"
Obama states the obvious that we're living beyond our means. Dur. Says that he wants to go through budget and cut what's wasteful. Everyone says that. I'd be REAL surprised if that actually happens.
McCain looks uncomfortable. Home ownership? That's not the question bud. He's taking his notes from Palin. If the question isn't what you expect, change the question.
Points for Schieffer for getting him on track. McCain - Spending freeze first, claims that he can save billions, and gives examples! Holy cow! Is this really happening?
8:20 - Time to get the laundry!
8:41 - I think that the last exchange about the individual's campaigns was very telling. While McCain seemed to have a biting or snarky desire to expose Obama and paint him into a corner, Obama remained cool and calm while reflecting attacks and being quite frank. Obama seemed more presidential and McCain seemed desperate.
8:44 - McCain's schpeel about Palin is just dribble. It's complete kak. And the throw in about special needs kids? What work has she done? She's had an autistic kid for a few months and she knows more about that than any other person, like McCain implied? GTFO
Transparency and accountability in government? In a McCain/Palin administration? Yeah right. She used private email accounts (numbering between 10 and 15!) to conduct state business. Why? Hmm....
8:47 - We get most of our oil from Canada...
Obama is an extreme environmentalist?
FlexFuel has ethanol in it, John. Something that you don't support.
8:49 - Neither candidate answered the question about how much foreign oil we can reduce. Although, once again, Obama gives specific policy ideas (not taking into account how feasible/plausible the ideas are (although I think they're pretty good...)) and McCain just spouts generic talking points.
8:55 - I'm sorry, but this debate is boring. But, boring is good for Obama.
And once again, Obama offers specifics about the issues. McCain is just rhetoric.
McCain's little segway into Obama wanting to sit down with foreign leaders just smacks of desperation, and having nothing to say.
8:57 - Gotta love Sullivan:
9.53 pm. "Maybe you ought to travel down there." C'mon, McCain, this is weeeaaak. And petty. And incoherent. McCain's veep only got a passport last year and McCain is attacking Obama for not visiting Colombia. He needs to look like a big man to become an independent president. Instead this campaign has made him look very, very small. Even against a freshman senator.
I don't know how much more clearly Obama needs to lay out his healthcare plan. He's done this in every other debate. It's almost a carbon copy each time, yet it still gets misconstrued. Come on America! Pay attention!
8:59 - McCain lists what we need to do. But how? McCain's tax credit for $5000 for healthcare is confusing. I bet the average family spends more than that per year for healthcare. So what's the point?
9:01 - McCain looks like he's been hit by a truck with that "Zero, John" line. Embarrassing.
9:03 - Obama just pwned McCain's healthcare plan. He has done his homework.
9:06 - TPM points out that 100% of McCain's ads have been negative.
9:14 - Everything that McCain throws at Obama, he deflects, he confronts, and he gives details. Once again: Which candidate seems more Presidential?
All McCain can do is repeat what we must do, and what we have to do. But he never, never, gives specifics.
9:20 - I missed this, but Sullivan points out that Obama called sexuality "sacred". I love it.
9:24 - McCain is a federalist. But likes NCLB. Is anyone else as confused as I am?
Did you know that Sarah Palin has a special needs kid?
And why does McCain keep bringing up autism...when Trig has Downs...WTF?
9:28 - Closing statements. Thank the Devil.
McCain's: He still hammers the point that he's an agent of change. Mmkay.
Obama: Change. "Did you know that he's pro-change?" "By George! I was not aware! Thank you good sir!"
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