Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A new post! Who would've guessed?!

I guess it's hangover from the election (and a subsequent lack of subject matter) that has been a reason for not posting an update, and possibly a combination of little exciting to say--but here we go anyway!

Thanksgiving is upon us, and so that means that Christmas is coming, and with Christmas comes Christmas shopping! Woo... Unfortunately, I'm low on money because I bought a car two weeks ago (I'll try and post some pics of it, maybe...probably not), so no fun gifts from me.

A great blog I stumbled across is Bad Sandwich Chronicles. It's written by Brandon Kelley who is the bassist for the Lawrence Arms (probably my favorite band) and guitarist for the Falcon. The only other musician blog that I know of is Mark Hoppus (former bassist for blink-182 and current bassist for +44). So, check them out if you're bored. I know I am.

So, in summary, in the coming weeks I'll be substituting one hangover for another (election for holiday). Stay tuned.

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