Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A new post! Who would've guessed?!

I guess it's hangover from the election (and a subsequent lack of subject matter) that has been a reason for not posting an update, and possibly a combination of little exciting to say--but here we go anyway!

Thanksgiving is upon us, and so that means that Christmas is coming, and with Christmas comes Christmas shopping! Woo... Unfortunately, I'm low on money because I bought a car two weeks ago (I'll try and post some pics of it, maybe...probably not), so no fun gifts from me.

A great blog I stumbled across is Bad Sandwich Chronicles. It's written by Brandon Kelley who is the bassist for the Lawrence Arms (probably my favorite band) and guitarist for the Falcon. The only other musician blog that I know of is Mark Hoppus (former bassist for blink-182 and current bassist for +44). So, check them out if you're bored. I know I am.

So, in summary, in the coming weeks I'll be substituting one hangover for another (election for holiday). Stay tuned.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Zack and Miri review

I saw "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" last night, and I must say that it was pretty funny (especially if you like Kevin Smith movies). It also had some heart, even though it was blatantly obvious where the story was going. Also, cocks. It had cocks in it. And buttholes. And boobies!

Rating: 7.5/10

Shotgun wedding

I just saw a mention of a shotgun wedding and wondered if Palin's daughter's shotgun wedding will go off now that she isn't the VP. Hmm...only time will tell.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election results

Barack Obama takes the election by a landslide in the Electoral College. I saw this last night before I went to bed, and it didn't really sink in. My fiance was awash with relief and almost on the verge of tears. This morning, it really started to sink in. Watching the videos of people celebrating all around the country, waving American flags with pride earned from voting for change. I have yet to hear Obama's speech, but I'll read it at work.

I did see McCain's concession speech, and it was a good one. If he had run his campaign in that manner, the race might have been different. What was really scary is the crowd there. McCain did well to shut them up and remind them that Obama is their President now. He is the President for all of us. When I was younger, I didn't really accept that idea. Toys were thrown. But I'm glad that McCain gave the speech that he did.

Unfortunately, it looks like Prop 8 in California is going to pass. This is the amendment to their state constitution to explicitly prohibit gays from marrying. Hearing this news really takes some of the wind out of my sails. This is blatant discrimination and it ought not to exist. But it does. And the fight will go on and one day it will be vindicated.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day is here

And I'm stuck at work, and won't be able to vote until about 5:30 today. Bummer.

But, there are tons of stories flooding the web of long lines, difficult poll workers, and dramatic recountings of peoples voting adventures. (Un?)fortunately, if my fiance's account is anything to go on, my polling place will be uneventful. But I am excited to get there tonight and cast my vote.

Please get out and vote. Don't take anything for granted!

Monday, November 3, 2008

One more day

I am burnt out on the election. Thankfully, there's only one more day until it's over. And even then, it probably won't be over. I'm sure that some states will be too close to call and the process will drag on for a week or two at least. Regardless, I'm relieved that tomorrow will be the end of it.

But, without all the election coverage to read at work, how will I pass the time?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Rugby playoffs

This last weekend, I traveled with my rugby team (Des Moines Rugby Football Club) to Milwaukee to play in the playoffs. This was the first time that the team had been to the playoffs in three years.

Unfortunately, we ended up losing to a very strong side. Incidentally, I am one sore and tired dude.

Posts will continue tomorrow. Two more days until the election.